Sunday, January 13, 2019

Deep fake

I just read: Tech trends 2019: 'The end of truth as we know it?'.

Near the end of the first video at the ‘Fake news?’ section, it catches my attention the tense used:

«…people won’t be able to trust the truth. They won’t be able to tell what is real, what is not real…».

It seems like this is something that will occur in the future, near or otherwise, to ‘people’. As if we ‘people’ –the general public– were able to do it now.

Of course, my wonder is philosophical in kind; that is, it tries to problematize the topic, to open questions, not to close them.

The cultivation of questions about truth and reality have built colossal schools of thought about ontology (reality) and epistemology (knowing truths about reality) since millennia. So, these “news” revolve around those same old questions about truth and reality. I simply see more imminent reasons to go back to the very basics of philosophical thought in the many traditions of intellectually adult human culture.